The Online Sports Psychology Magazine.

INTERVIEW: Edwin Moses

With Paul Schienberg, Ph.D. Edwin Moses is a three time Olympic Medallist winning the Gold medal in 1976 and 1984 as well as the...


by Donna Davidge Last week a student who regularly attends my hatha yoga class came in saying he was particularly sore. It turns ut he...

An Amateur Golfer From Long Island Plays With the Big Boys At The Bob...

By Paul Schienberg, PhD My brother, Mark, plays out of the Muttontown Country Club on Long Island. On January 13, of 2007, he and I...

INTERVIEW: A female, U.S. Olympic hurdler, Joanna Hayes, explains her use of imagery in...

With Paul Schienberg, PhD JOANNA HAYES Career Highlights: 2005 USA Outdoor 100m Silver medalist; 2004 Olympic 100m hurdles gold medalist; Olympic 100m hurdles record holder;...


I could use some help with a particular part of my golf game. How do I keep my motivation high after I hit a...

GOLF: Pre-Shot Routine

by Miguel Humara, Ph.D. “I wish I could hit it like that all the time” is one of the most common complaints I hear from...


A review of beliefs that negatively impact on an athletes willingness to use and outcome derived by consulting a sport psychologist. By Lina Vaisetaite Myths...

Yoga and Golf

Thoughts on Yoga for Golf with Paul Schienberg, Ph.D. An experience at the driving range enlightened me. I kept hitting the ball off to the left....

INTERVIEW: Gary Player

With Paul Schienberg, Ph.D.   Gary Player has won more than 160 titles worldwide and is only on of the five golfers who have triumphed in...

INTERVIEW: Emerson Fittipaldi

With Paul Schienberg, Ph.D. Emerson Fittipaldi competed in 144 Grand Prix events and won 14 of them. He was the winner at the US Grand...